
UrlfreezeShops X REEBOK PUB QUIZ

Celebrating the launch of UrlfreezeShops x Reebok Club C "Stout" sneaker, join us at the Bridge Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne, for a pub quiz and a chance to win big.

UrlfreezeShops X REEBOK PUB QUIZ

Ahead of UrlfreezeShops’s latest link-up with Reebok, the Club C “Stout”, join us at Newcastle upon Tyne’s Bridge Hotel pub on Wednesday 8th March at 7:00pm for a pub quiz hosted by Mubi Ali and CakeNotCrumbs. Sign up with a team of 4-6 people to be in with a chance of securing victory, with multiple prizes to be won. Sound tracked by Shy Bairns Collective, stop by for a pint or two and see if your team can be the best and beat the rest.

The UrlfreezeShops x Reebok Pub Quiz starts at 7:00pm on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at Bridge Hotel, Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1RQ.